
  • I uphold the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, and support the proposed legislation (now on hold for further review of impact) of Representative Margaret Dayton that the State of Utah un-subscribe from the Federal “No Child Left Behind” Act.
  • I deplore the fact that the Federal Department of Education was brought into Utah three times by Utah’s own federal level representatives to Lobby to our State Legislature against un-subscribing to NCLB.
  • I support Home Schooling, Private, and Charter Schools, and I support total parental freedom of choice relative to the education of their children.



  • I oppose in state-tuition rates, or any taxpayer funded program for the support of anyone who is within our borders illegally.
  • I oppose the issuing of driver’s licenses, or acceptance of the Mexican issued “Metricula Card” as a valid form of identification or authorization for any form of taxpayer supported aid to non-citizens.
  • I support a state level resolution to the Federal government opposing the United States’ of America entrance in the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which is scheduled for vote in early 2005. Not only is this a serious threat to state sovereignty, but also it is a direct threat to national sovereignty and to the Constitution itself.  It puts regional government in control of the “migration” of workers, jobs, and the economy as a whole. 
  • It is a violation of the United States Constitution to put trade and commerce treaty authority in the hands of anyone but the US Congress.  Thus, it is unconstitutional to allow United States commerce and trade interests to be legislated and controlled by outside, regional government based authorities. To vote for such legislation is a violation of one’s Oath of Office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Utah.


Public Lands

  • I believe that all property concerns are either the domain of the individual or the state, as per the 10th Amendment, and the federal government has no right to confiscate or coerce owners into selling or using lands in ways that the government feels, should be “protected”. This includes, but is not limited to, national parks, national monuments, wilderness designated areas, and preserves.  Private ownership of property is the preferred method for preserving these lands. Since approximately 70% of the state of Utah is owned by the Federal government, we request that these lands be returned to the domain of the state to be managed in the capacity we feel is most effective.


Job Loss

  • I oppose the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in all its forms and ask Congress and the President to repeal NAFTA and GATT. These “trade agreements” destroy the sovereignty of the United States and quickly siphon off American jobs to third world countries, which produce at much lower wages.
  • I oppose workers entering our country under H-1B visas so long as there are American or Utah workers available to fill these positions.  We also oppose any worker entering the United States under the L-1 visa and seek to repeal both visa types.


Hate Crimes

  • There are many reasons why this legislation is flawed, the most basic being that it creates “special groups” which really should be defined as “protected groups” to be treated differently under the law. My position is based on the writings and original intent of our nation’s Founding Fathers that all men are “created equal” under the law. “Hate Crimes” legislation has nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with the advancement of radical agendas. It attempts to promote radical agendas by attacking our first amendment rights of freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. It ultimately holds the potential, if passed, to give government the ability to interpret, judge, and convict based on one’s thoughts and presumed intentions.


Property Rights - Initiative B

  • I strongly denounce the passage of any and all asset forfeiture laws in which due process is denied those whose property is confiscated. It is wholly unconstitutional for an individual’s property to be forfeited prior to due process and the burden of proof should never be on the individual to prove innocence with regard to a crime and assets that have been seized.
  • I demand the repeal of SB 175, passed in the legislature and signed into law by the governor in 2004.  SB175 effectively strikes down Initiative B (2001), which the people of Utah passed with 69 percent of the vote.